All orders will be shipped using either UPS or common carrier (truck) for larger items.
Shipments of large items by truck to a business address with a loading/unloading dock may prefer to use “Standard Shipping” service and Standard Shipping rates are indicated for each item.
Shipments of large items by truck to a residential or business address without a loading/unloading dock are strongly encouraged to use White Glove Service since Standard Shipping means that goods will be unloaded at the delivery site adjacent to the delivery vehicle and placed by the first floor doorway or inside a garage or covered area. White Glove Service will include unpacking and uncrating of the product inside the home, set up of the product in the room identified by the customer, and disposal of all shipping and packaging materials. Both Standard Shipping and White Glove Service rates are indicated for each item.
For shipments to Hawaii, Alaska, international locations or expedited deliveries, please contact Boda Acrylic for a shipping quote.